domingo, 23 de noviembre de 2014

 " Pavel Korzhavykh" Russia Team
"So I think that all matches promise to be colorful and entertaining"


 Pavel Korzhavykh 3 times World Champion
1.    :) Hello Pavel! How are you?
I’m great! Now I'm in St. Petersburg, training with my team, preparing for coming soon competition. The main task for me is to be at the peak form of condition by the coming World Championship in Paris.

:)2. What age did you start practicing Jiu Jitsu?
As far back as I can remember
I almost always was interested in martial arts. I started to learn it at the age of 10. It was judo.  I tried jiu-jitsu for the first time when I was 17.

:)3. Which country are you?
 I’m from Russia.

:) 4. This is your first World Championship in -69. What do you think about this category?
This category as any of presented categories on World Championship has its leaders; they are strong enough. So I think that all matches promise to be colorful and entertaining.

5. What do you think About World Championship France 2014?
I am glad that World Championship will take place exactly in Paris – it’s one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I have been there for many times. All tournaments in Paris are always held at a high level with friendly and home atmosphere.

6. Which country is favorite to win the team competition?
This is the first time of team competitions in World Championship of Jiu-jitsu and it’s difficult to identify the absolute leader but I can say for sure that this part of competitions will be the most exciting and emotional.

7. Do you think that Jiu Jitsu will be Olympic sport?
I hope and believe that Jiu-jitsu can rightfully be included in the Olympic family because it has the variety of techniques and tricks.

8. Can you tell us about you?
I live in Russia, in the «capital of culture» - Saint Petersburg. I’m 27 years old. I have a lot of things to do: I’m a teacher at the Mining University (economics and management disciplines), children’s coach in judo. Also I do public activities.
On my free time I like to travel, learn languages and go out with my family and close friends.

9. What advice can you give to the New Athletes Ju Jitsu?
Training, training and… one more training! (laughing) But it’s not enough really.
Despite the defeats and failures it’s necessary not to give up and continue a hard work. And those forces that you spent will become a good result definitely, sooner or later. In the sport or in your life.
I try not to focus on the success and always move forward. It doesn’t give me a reason to relax. Sports taught me discipline and setting clear goals in all. I go to fight – I must fight for victory until the last second.

He Is Pavel 3 times World Champion  The next challenge is the category of -69
See You in the World ChampionShip  France 2014 are you ready?

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